About Me

Meet Your Coach

My fate as a writer was sealed when I was 8 years old. It came in the form of a blue ribbon attached to a gold medal that read “First Place – State Young Author’s Competition.” I hadn’t known my teacher entered my story, but suddenly I was a winner, all for doing something I loved to do.

Novelist and essayist Anne Lamott says she writes because she wants to and because she’s good at it. It’s the same for me. But I also write because I can’t not write. It’s who I am.

If you can’t not write, then you’re among friends!

My writing & editing career

Although fiction fascinates me and I’ve published a few short stories, my career path took me in a decidedly different direction. I became a content entrepreneur well before the term was conceived.

I founded one of the first online workshop platforms for writers when I was a young work-at-home mom. It grew into a full-time business, lauded as one of Writers Digest’s 101 Best Websites for Writers three times, and then featured in The Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

After I sold my business in the early 2000s, I took to freelance and contract writing and editing work, and eventually moved into corporate content strategy roles where I’ve earned a comfortable income doing the thing I love most—connecting with people through the written word.


  • Video game journalist and managing editor: For nine years, I led teams of writers covering massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) like World of Warcraft for a large, successful community gaming website.
  • Full-time writer for Grammarly: I wrote over 100 articles about writing and communication as a contractor with Grammarly. I also helped launch and publicize data studies like the viral study that compared the 2016 U.S. election candidates’ supporters’ grammar.
  • Managing editor at Macmillan Publishers: I ran the editorial side of Macmillan’s largest digital property, Quick & Dirty Tips. I managed editing and content strategy for up to 9 podcasters (all subject-matter experts), including Mignon Fogerty, better known as the author and podcasting celeb Grammar Girl.
  • Corporate senior content writer/editorial manager: I worked for the identity platform ID.me, where I led the team that became the driving force behind launching their e-commerce blog and getting it to 1.6 million views in its first year.
Profile image of Karen Lunde, writing coach
The Writer’s Mom-Friend

My Coaching Specialties

Write more lyrical prose

If you simply want to write a good story, I’m your Huckleberry! I love stories and I understand what makes them tick. I can teach anyone how to write lyrical, effective prose that’s clear, emotionally impactful, and uncluttered.

Earn income as a blogger or content pro

As of the latest 2024 statistics, there are over 600 million blogs worldwide. That’s a lot of competition. With the rise of AI writing, it’s more important than ever to have a distinct, human voice that enthralls and engages your readers. I can help you build an audience and write to be heard.

SEO practices are evolving fast in the age of AI. I keep my finger on that pulse, so I can teach you how to optimize for search in 2024 as well as how to future-proof your writing so you’ll always have the skills to build an audience no matter what AI and Google throw your way.

Craft creative non-fiction

Want to tell your story your way? I’ve got you! Creative non-fiction includes writing like personal essays, memoir, travel writing, personal blogging, and anything that requires narrative skill and engaging storytelling. (If you want to get a sense of my creative non-fiction style, read my work on Medium.)

Write On

Achieve Your Writing Goals with Expert Guidance

If you’re ready to explore where your passion for writing can take you, apply to become a client today!

Two writers, a man and woman, stand side-by-side with books in their hands as ideas swirl above their heads.