Your words … made even better

Writing Coaching Packages

A smiling woman with silver hair and glasses attending a 60-minute coaching session with a writing coach.

One-Month Coaching Package

How much can you learn from a writing coach in one month? Let’s find out! Book a one-month coaching package and you’ll receive:

A 15-minute introductory Zoom session. We’ll chat about your writing challenges and goals to discover exactly what you want and need to learn.
A customized lesson plan. Each week, you’ll receive a new lesson to work on that’s been designed especially for your needs.
Feedback on your writing. I’ll review your writing (up to 1000 words per week) and identify opportunities for you to grow and build strong writing skills.
Empathetic encouragement and guidance. I’ll check in weekly to ensure accountability and help you through your struggles.
A 60-minute Zoom work session. I’ll answer your questions and provide feedback to help you grow as a writer.
A happy man, smiling and holding a manuscript after working with a writing coach.

Bespoke Coaching Package

Get expert guidance without limits!

I’ll work with you to design a custom package to help you reach your goals as a writer and content creator. Packages may include virtual coaching sessions, developmental edits, document and strategy reviews, and more.

Maybe you want to build an audience as a blogger, create a business content strategy, write better social media posts, or deep-dive into an intensive one-on-one writing workshop. We’ll work together to make your dreams a reality.

Custom Pricing

Working With a Writing Coach

I’m going to give you some meaningful advice right here and now:

If you can quit writing, do it.

If you can walk away from writing, then walk away. Don’t look back. Read for fun, craft clever social media posts, scribble in a journal, compose great emails, and leave it at that.

If you can’t stop writing, then for better or worse, you’re a writer.

Do the thing.

You absolutely can learn to write well all on your own—I did. I spent hours upon hours reading about writing, studying the work of authors I admire, attending (and forming) writing critique groups, and practicing until my eyes grew bleary.

But the experiences that helped me the most were hands-on work sessions with experienced writers. They boosted my confidence by pointing out what I did well and helped me improve by showing me how to grow.

I’ve been writing and editing professionally for over 15 years. I want to share the same motivation, inspiration, and learning I experienced when I was a novice writer with you. My goal is for you to experience the same “Ah-hah!” epiphanies that led me to a successful writing career.

Work with me to …

  • Discover and strengthen your writer’s voice
  • Write with clarity and structure so your stories are understood
  • Wield powerful language for emotional impact

How you can benefit from a writing coach

A writing coach acts as your mentor and motivator. Together, we’ll refine your writing skills, enhance your storytelling techniques, and overcome challenges you face in your writing process.

I can’t promise you a bestseller, a high-traffic blog, or a thriving freelance career. That’s your work to do, and rolling up your sleeves will take you much further than any writing coach can.

What I’ll give you is a foundation to build your empire on. We’ll work on removing the roadblocks to success and inspiring you to reach for your dreams.

Applying to work with me

I’m pumped to work with writers who are as passionate about their craft as I am about mentoring them. To give you the most personalized and effective coaching experience, it’s important for me to know whether our partnership is the right fit—for both of us.

How to apply
  • Submit Your Writing: Provide a sample of your work (up to 1000 words). This allows me to understand your style, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  • Share Your Goals: Tell me about what you’ve been struggling with and what you aim to achieve through coaching.
  • The Selection Process: Within 2-3 days, I’ll review your submission and reach out to let you know if we can embark on this coaching journey together.

What you’ll get from our partnership

  • Targeted Homework: I’ll give you a lesson plan and weekly lessons to target your trouble spots.
  • Detailed Feedback: You’ll receive a comprehensive written review of your writing, highlighting what you’re doing well and identifying growth opportunities.
  • Personalized Coaching Session(s): We’ll have a one-on-one video session (or sessions) where I’ll provide feedback and review what we’ve worked on, demonstrate ways to enhance your writing, answer your questions, and help you map your writing goals.

Do you need a writing coach?

Reading widely and writing regularly are foundational. If you’re studying the work of other writers, practicing often, and constantly discovering new ways to grow and improve, you’re already on the right track and may not need coaching.

But if you’re stuck or not seeing progress, a coach can offer guidance, motivation, and accountability. My goal is to make our time together as impactful as possible, helping you to unlock your potential and realize your writing ambitions.

If you’re ready to take your writing to the next level, apply today, and let’s start this transformative journey together.

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