Apply to Work With Me

I’m ready to help you crush your writing goals!

Hiring a Writing Coach

If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, dig in, and build out your writer’s toolset, apply to work with me! I’m excited to meet you and learn about your writing goals.

About the Application Process

As a writing coach, I’m excited to collaborate with writers who share my deep passion for the craft. I want our coaching sessions to be personalized and effective. That’s why I have an application process—I want to ensure we’re the best writer/coach match.

When you apply, I’ll review your application within 1-2 days. Your sample will help me understand your writing style and identify areas for us to work on.

After you’ve been accepted as a client, we’ll meet for 15 minutes on Zoom to make a plan together for your coaching.

First Name
Last Name
My writing level is …

The writing area(s) I’d like to improve in is/are …

I want to …

I’d like to start with a …

Paste your writing sample (up to 1,000 words) here.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about what it’s like to work with a writing coach.